06 Jun

Crew Leaders

Be at least 20 minutes early (if possible), because kids will be excited and they will be eager to arrive! Welcome each student, check them in and make sure that they have a name tag. Addressing kids by name makes a huge impact.

Assign Crew Roles

During Sing & Play Splash assign Crew jobs to kids.
They can keep the same jobs all week or choose new roles each day.
(Leader manuals suggest ways for Station Leaders to give each role a chance to participate.)

If Crews have fewer than five kids, some kids may have more than one job.
You can expect each of the following jobs to be represented in each Crew:
          - Guide — chooses action ideas for traveling through VBS.
          - Kit Carrier - distributes and collects supplies and helps carry the Crew’s bag.
          - Prayer Person - leads or opens prayer times.
          - Schedule Supervisor—helps monitor daily schedule to let Crew know what’s next.
          - Thank You-er - leads the Crew in thanking Station Leaders each day.

Kids are excited about having special jobs!
Each year, Crew Leaders who participate in our field tests say they’re surprised what a big deal these jobs are for kids.

Set the Example

Engage in worship remembering the old adage "Monkey see = monkey do!"
Be excited as you lead kids to each station. Help them listen & engage.

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