06 Jun

We heard from so many VBS directors and craft station leaders who told us that kids just weren’t interested in “doing crafts” anymore. Especially those older boys! They asked us to provide something more interesting and engaging—something new and fun to spark kids’ imaginations. And we did! Even wewere surprised at how much kids—and leaders—love it! Using surprising—and affordable—items in the Crew Teaching Kit, everyone gets in on the hands-on discoveries!

• Each Imagination Station experiment connects with the Bible Point. Everything at Scuba VBS ties together to reinforce one simple, memorable daily Bible Point—and the Imagination Station Crew Teaching Kits are no exception. These amazing experiments aren’t just jaw-dropping—they reinforce important Bible truths.

• The experiments are child-tested and irresistible. No need for your kids to be guinea pigs for what you think they will like. We’ve tested these sciency-fun wows with kids of various ages—and if anything flopped, we modified it, retested it, and made sure it’s a keeper. We asked kids what they liked, listened to kids’ exclamations and laughter as they made fun discoveries, and watched what kids did. The experiments are easy for you, and they get kids engaged in surprising faith connections.

• Imagination Station activities are downright fun! Traditional VBS crafts may look great in a catalog—but all they do is sit on a shelf. Forget those boring throwaways. Kids are active, so we figure their Imagination Station activities should be, too! Kids will definitely be wild for these sciency experiments that submerge kids into deeper learning!

• Imagination Station activities are safe. We know you care about kids...and we do, too! That’s why we strive to have every Crew Teaching Kit item meet or exceed national safety standards. (And with today’s high standards, that’s sayinga lot!) These items are also produced by manufacturers who don’t use child labor or abuse the labor force. We take this extra step so you can order resources with the confidence that in addition to caring for your kids, you’re also caring for children elsewhere.

• Imagination Station activities are “doable.” Since groups of real kids have tested these experiences, we know that these projects won’t frustrate or bore kids.

• Imagination Station activities allow for lots of creativity.We know because we’ve seen how kids explore and test things out as they experiment. Prepare to be dazzled by kids’ curiosity and creativity!


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