Wednesday Night Family Dinners the LAST WEDNESDAY each month!
PLEASE SIGN UP ASAP so that we are sure to have enough food for you & your family! Sign up sheet located at the BBC Welcome Center or call the church office with your name & how many plan to attend with you!
Online SIgn up:
Suggested donation: $3 per person / $10 per family!
January - Spaghetti w/ Salad & Chocolate Chunk Cookie
February - Vegetable Beef Soup w/ Grilled Cheese & Desert
March - Pancakes w/ Sausage & Fruit Cups
April - Parmesan Chicken, Carolina Rice, Green Beans& Desert
May - Sloppy Joes w/ Chips & Desert
June - Beef & Chicken Tacos w/ Toppings, Nacho Cheese Chips & Desert